Coming from a family closely associated with that of Ion Brătianu,Sarmiza was accompanied toHaving applied for University in 1884, Bilcescu was given a poor reception at the Faculty; in the words of Edmond Louis Armand Colmet De Santerre, the Professor of Civil law, "We hesitated to award Miss Bilcescu the authorization she demanded, fearing that we would have to police the amphitheaters". She even complained that, after being ultimately accepted, the doorman had not being allowed to enter the University hall (feeling insulted, she pointed out that such behavior contradicted the Liberté, égalité, fraternité motto present above the gate). Nevertheless, after completing her first year of studies, Colmet De Santerre addressed the student body, mentioning Bilcescu's "relentlessness beyond all praise and exemplary conduct", thanking male students for having "welcomed her as a sister" (the speech was received with applause by the audience). She received a license to practice in
1. Alin Ciupală, Femeia în societatea românească a secolului al XIX-lea ("Women in 19th Century Romanian Society"), Editura Meridiane, Bucharest, 2003, p.59-60, 85
2. Carole Lécuyer, "Une nouvelle figure de la jeune fille sous la IIIe République: l'étudiante" ("A New Figure of Young Girls under the Third Republic: the Student"), in Clio, 4/1996
3. Savoir et Recherche. La Place des Femmes ("Knowledge and Research. The Place of Women"), Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, Working Paper Nr.16, January 2006, p.7
4. Sylvie Chaperon, "Une génération d’intellectuelles dans le sillage de Simone de Beauvoir" ("A Generation of Intellectuals in the Wake of Simone de Beauvoir"), in Clio, 13/2001
5. Oana Sandu, Educaţia feminină în societatea romanească a secolului XIX ("Female Education in 19th century Romanian Society"), at
6. Amalia Vasilescu, Imaginarul despre Femeie în Vechiul Regat între pozitv şi negativ ("The Image of Women in the Romanian Old Kingdom, between Negative and Positive"), at the University of Bucharest site
7. Andreea Ofiţeru, "Vârsta de aur a avocaturii româneşti" ("The Golden Age of Romanian Law Practice"), in Evenimentul Zilei, July 3, 2006
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